15 Jan 2024
Generation Graphs December 2023
18 Dec 2023
Generation Graphs November 2023
06 Nov 2023
Generation Graphs October 2023
11 Oct 2023
Generation Graphs September 2023
16 Sept 2023
Generation Graphs August 2023
18 Aug 2023
Generation Graphs July 2023
04 July 2023
Generation Graphs June 2023
16 Jun 2023
Generation Graphs May 2023
30 May 2023
Generation Graphs April 2023
21 Apr 2023
Generation Graphs March 2023
05 Mar 2023
Generation Graphs February 2023
02 Feb 2023
Generation Graphs January 2023
05 Jan 2023
Generation Graphs December 2022
1 Dec 2022
Generation Graphs November 2022
15 Nov 2022
Generation Graphs October 2022
05 Oct 2022
Generation Graphs September 2022
02 Sept 2022
Generation Graphs August 2022
05 Aug 2022
Generation Graphs July 2022
12 Jul 2022
Generation Graphs June 2022
02 Jun 2022
Generation Graphs May 2022
10 May 2022
Generation Graphs April 2022
18 April 2022
Generation Graphs March 2022
12 March 2022
Generation Graphs February 2022
11 Feb 2022
Generation Graphs January 2022
13 Jan 2022
Generation Graphs December 2021
8 Dec 2021
Generation Graphs November 2021
17 Nov 2021
Generation Graphs October 2021
01 Oct 2021
Generation Graphs September 2021
13 Sept 2021
Generation Graphs August 2021
10 Aug 2021
Generation Graphs July 2021
13 Jly 2021
Generation Graphs June 2021
09 Jun 2021
Generation Graphs May 2021
20 May 2021
Generation Graphs April 2021
09 April 2021
Generation Graphs March 2021
09 March 2021
Generation Graphs February 2021
04 February 2021
Generation Graphs January 2021
13 January 2021
Generation Graphs December 2020
17 December 2020
Generation Graphs November 2020
12 November 2020
Generation Graphs October 2020
15 October 2020
Generation Graphs September 2020
07 September 2020
Generation Graphs August 2020
18 August 2020
Generation Graphs July 2020
27 July 2020
Generation Graphs June 2020
05 June 2020
Generation Graphs May 2020
Because of the exceptionally dry weather, May was the first month in which we have generated no electricity at all since we started generating on 1 December 2015 . April saw only a negligible output but the wet winter and early spring resulted in our achieving 50.9% of our projected output by the end of March. With normal rainfall later in the summer and in the autumn, we still have a good chance of reaching our projected output this year.10 May 2020
Generation Graphs Apr 2020
17 April 2020
Generation Graphs Mar 2020
19 Mar 2020
Generation Graphs Feb 2020
02 Feb 2020
Generation Graphs Jan 2020
02 January 2020
Generation Graphs Dec 2019
04 Dec 2020
Generation Graphs Nov 2019
4 Feb 2020
We are back online!
We have been offline for 3 months due to problems with our domain hosting company. We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused and hope you will now return and continue to follow our progress.
19 Oct 2019
Generation Graphs Sept 2019
04 Sept 2019
Generation Graphs August 2019
10 Aug 2019
Generation Graphs July 2019
28 July 2019
Generation Graphs June 2019
17 Jun 2019
Generation Graphs May 2019
01 May 2019
Generation Graphs April 2019
14 Apr 2019
The new Interpretation Panel for the Anafon Hydro installed outside the turbine house in Abergwyngregyn on 11th April 2019

03 Apr 2019
Generation Graphs March 2019
09 Mar 2019
Generation Graphs February 2019
17 Feb 2019
Generation Graphs January 2019
29 Jan 2019
Generation Graphs December 2018
04 Jan 2019
Generation Graphs November 2018
12 Nov 2018
Generation Graphs October 2018
18 Oct 2018
Generation Graphs September 2018
18 Sept 2018
Generation Graphs August 2018
17 Aug 2018
Generation Graphs July 2018
16 Jly 2018
Generation Graphs June 2018
River levels at their lowest for decades, some say lower than in the drought of 1976! All the river flow is coming through the notch and the hydro intake screen and main weir are dry.
Inside Mountain Gate, Abergwyngregyn, on the way to the weir in Dyffryn Anafon. The gorse and bracken give a false impression of greenery but underneath and in open areas, the grass is parched.
16 Jun 2018
Generation Graphs May 2018
03 May 2018
Generation Graphs Mar/Apr 2018
30 Mar 2018
Generation Graphs Feb 2018
07 Feb 2018
Generation Graphs Jan 2018
05 Jan 2018
Generation Graphs Dec 2017
05 Jan 2018
Generation Graphs Dec 2017
10 Dec 2017
The pattern of the Anafon Hydro's first two years of generation. We started generating on 1 December 2015.
08 December 2017
Anafon Hydro's Second Year of Generation
At midnight on 30 November, we completed our second full year of generation. During this second year and in spite of a dry early Summer we exported 994 MWh
of clean electricity to the Grid. This represents about 3% more than our projected annual output.
Over our first two years of operation, we have exported a total of
2,130 MWh
of electricity, over 11% more than the projected amount and enough to meet the consumption of about 530 'average' UK households.
Thank you to all our shareholders and volunteers who have made this success possible!
05 Dec 2017
YAE Big Lottery Contract DEG.CYMRU - Jobs opportunities, check this out: http://www.deg.wales/gweithio-gyda-deg/14 July 2017
The 2017 Ynni Anafon Energy Cyf. AGM will be held at Yr Hen Felin Community Room (LL33 0LP) in Abergwyngregyn at 12 noon on Saturday 29 July. The relevant documents will be sent to all shareholders in the near future and the Directors hope as many of you as possible will be able to attend. Refreshments will be provided and there will be an opportunity to visit the turbine house.1 December 2016
Happy Birthday Anafon Hydro!
Midnight last night marked Anafon Hydro's first full year of generation of clean electricity. During that first year, we exported 1,128,130 KWh
of electricity to the National Grid, earning about £240,000 gross. This is 18% more than the projected annual output for the hydro of 957,000 KWh.
It is enough electricity to meet the annual consumption of 284 average homes; as there are only 100 households in Abergwyngregyn, we have effectively 'exported' almost twice the amount of electricity the village consumes.
23 October 2016
In spite of some short dry periods over the summer when there was not enough water in the river to generate power, two weeks ago the Anafon Hydro passed the milestone of 1,000 MWh generated since 1 December 2015. Output now stands at 1,028 MWh or enough electricity to power about 256 average households for a year. This exceeds the anticipated annual output of 957 MWh on which all our projections are based and there are still 5-6 weeks to go until the anniversary! Let's hope for some rain in November!
21 October 2016
Apologies for the long interval of inactivity on the YAE website. As you will see, the site has been updated and simplified. It now includes details of the Board elected at the AGM on 16 July (on the 'The Venture' and 'Y Fenter' pages) as well as a comprehensive photographic record of the construction of the Anafon Hydro in 2015 (on the 'The Project' and 'Y Cynllun' pages).
In spite of some short intervals over the summer when there has been insufficient water to generate power, the Anafon Hydro exceeded the milestone of 1,000 MWh generated two weeks ago and, today, our total output stands at 1,027 MWh in 10 months and 3 weeks of generation. This compares with the anticipated annual output of 957 MWh on which all our projections have been based. And we still have more than 6 weeks to go before the anniversary of the start of generation on 1 December.
The plant has just undergone its first annual service and is functioning as it should. One problem during the first year has been the destruction of the water level sensors at the weir by lightening strikes during thunderstorms - replacing these costs almost £1,000. However, during the service, the earthing arrangements at the weir have been improved significantly which we hope will remedy the problem.
Exceptionally heavy rainfall last winter resulted in some damage to the reinstatement around the weir and on the pipeline route. We have replaced much of the earth washed out around the weir with small stones which should prove less susceptible to future flooding and, at the request of NRW ecologists, we have reseeded and erected temporary fencing around the upper section of the pipeline route. The vegetation here is now recovering well and it may be possible to remove the fences next year, two years earlier than scheduled.
25 March 2016
After less than 4 months, we have already exported more than 565 MWh of green electricity to the grid. This represents 58% of our projected annual output!
We are very pleased to let you know of two other community hydro projects in North Wales, Ynni Ogwen in Bethesda and Ynni Padarn in Llanberis.
These provide new opportunities to invest in green energy projects similar to our own. For details of their share offers, visit ynniogwen.cymru and ynnipadarnperis.org
2 January 2016
First month's electricity export to the grid
In our first month of generation (1 - 31 December 2015), we exported 171.78 MWh of electricity to the grid, worth approximately £36,000. This represents 17% of our projected annual output so all the rain we have had has had at least one positive outcome!
6 November 2015
Ynni Anafon Energy wins an Award!
We won the Engaging with the Community Award at the Wales Green Energy Awards in Cardiff!

30 September 2015
Community Energy England Awards
We've been 'highly commended' by Community Energy England at their annual awards ceremony in Oxford on 5 September 2015, in spite of being in Wales!

26 June 2015
Emyr Roberts, CEO Natural Resources Wales, and Derek Stephen, Energy Deliver Programme Manager, visited the project yesterday.
Aeron, Gelli's Site Manager, explains the site to Emyr Roberts.

Emyr Roberts and Gavin Gatehouse at the Turbine House site.

4 May 2015 - Underway at last!
The community of Abergwyngregyn gathers for the cutting of the first turf at the Turbine House site.

Eirlys Williams and Emily Jones (4 months), the oldest and youngest resident born in Aber, cut the first turf.

1 May 2015 - Ynni Anafon Energy Cyf shareholders elect the new Board
The 9 Directors are: Jacqui Bugden, Ian Cuthbertson, Gavin Gatehouse, Wynn Griffiths, Linton Roberts, Martin Taylor, Hywel Thomas, Nick Venti and Nicki Whiting.
15 April 2015 - Ynni Anafon Energy Cyf will be holding its first AGM on the 1st May to elect the new Board of Directors
We hope as many of our shareholders as possible will be able to take part in this meeting and look forward to meeting you then.
9 April 2015 - Charity Bank Loan confirmed!
On 8 April, Charity Bank's Credit Committee confirmed approval of their full commitment to offer Ynni Anafon Energy Cyf. a loan. The financial package needed to build the Anafon Hydro is now in place and we plan to commence construction in early May.
2 April 2015
The total amount invested in Ynni Anafon Energy Cyf. to finance the
Anafon Hydro Project has now been confirmed as £450,900, £150,900 more
than our target
31 March 2015 - YAE chooses contractors to build the Anafon Hydro Project
Following the tendering process, the Board will be awarding the contracts to build the Anafon Hydro to two contractors. Gelli Civil Engineering, Tremadog, will build the weir and turbine house and Kevin Williams Earthworks, Bontddu near Dolgellau, will install the pipeline.
Gelli Civil Engineering have wide experience of civil engineering work near and in rivers and Kevin Williams installed the pipeline for the Harnog Hydro and so is experienced in pipeline installation and reinstatement work in sensitive environments.
Both contractors expect to start work in early May.
27 March 2015 - John Howarth leaves the Ynni Anafon Energy Cyf. Board
As we are now about to start building the Anafon Hydro, the Board and
John Howarth have decided that it would be appropriate for him to leave
the Board of YAE to resume his role as Technical Consultant to the Board
and Engineer for the Anafon Hydro Project.
Derwent Hydro engineers carry out an independent technical assessment of the Anafon Project for Charity Bank, our probable main lender

Work on site starts!
Preparatory work on the building of the Anafon hydro will start on the 3rd March 2015. This will entail felling of a number of conifers in the Aber Forest so as to create a working corridor for the pipeline route. The work will take approximately 3 weeks.
Final closure of the Ynni Anafon Energy Share Offer - 6 March 2015
Your last chance to invest in Ynni Anafon Energy Cyf and be part of the Anafon Hydro Project, currently the only share offer for a community hydroelectric project open in Wales.
The sale of shares reached
£405,850 on 28 January. Our thanks to our shareholders for investing in the Anafon Hydro - we're ready to welcome more!
However, the Ynni Anafon Share Offer must close finally on
Friday 6 March 2015 – see the
Investment page of this website.
Continuing investment in Ynni Anafon Energy Cyf.
The opening share offer raised over £325,000 before the closing date of 30 November 2014. The significance of this date was that we had set ourselves a target of £300,000 to be raised by then before we could commit to building the Anafon Hydro. As you can see, we have surpassed this target and so are proceeding with the project.
we are still inviting investment. Every additional pound raised from shares reduces the amount we have to borrow from a bank or other lender in the form of more expensive loans. We shall continue to accept further investment until we have completed our negotiations with our primary lender. After that date, which we expect to be early in the New Year, further potential investors will be placed on a waiting list until shares become available following sales back to the company.
All further investment will attract the same EIS tax relief of 30% and interest at 5%.Our 100th shareholder!
Today, 12 November 2014, we welcome our 100th shareholder.
Event at the Welsh Assemby, Cardiff, “Community Hydro: Working together for our Future”, on 27 November 2014 hosted by the Anafon Hydro Group, National Trust Wales and the Robert Owen Community Fund Bank
The event is sponsored by Alun Ffred Jones AM and Llyr Huws Gruffydd AM. We will be describing how the Abergwyngregyn community has worked to bring about the Anafon Hydro and how we have been supported by the National Trust Wales and the Robert Owen Community Bank Fund, both of whom are supporting many other Welsh community energy projects.
Two new Directors to join the Board Ynni Anafon Energy
Keith Jones, well known in UK renewables circles and the National Trust's Senior Environmental Adviser, and John Howarth, Director JH Hydropower Services, have accepted invitations to join the Board of Ynni Anafon Energy.
They're a step ahead of us but the Anafon Hydro's well on its way!
Buy shares and it'll change you attitude to rainy weather!
http://youtu.be/5f0L-RPAR_QOur MP, Hywel Williams, and Gwynedd County Councillor, Dafydd Meurig, buy shares in Ynni Anafon Energy to support the Anafon Hydro
Investment reaches £207,300!
Total investment in Ynni Anafon Shares has reached £207,300 with 3 weeks still to go to the close of the offer on 30 November 2014. Please keep investing!
Jacqui Bugden talks to Tracy Jones 'Talking Business' on Calon FH radio in Wrexham
Great news received today! Ofgem have granted Ynni Anafon Energy Cyf. preliminary accreditation for the Anafon Hydro project at the rate of 15.59p/KW, the rate anticipated in our financial planning. When our lease from Natural Resources Wales is signed - terms have been agreed - we shall have all the necessary permissions, leases and licences in place to proceed with the project.
When it came to launching the issue of shares in their £1.25 million community hydro scheme, the 230 villagers of Abergwyngregyn decided to do it with a flourish. They engaged the services of Sid Madge from Mad Hen to teach them about branding, marketing and finding innovative ways of reaching out to potential share holders. Jacqui Bugden, one of the volunteer directors of the scheme, says, “What we enjoyed about working with Sid Madge was that he gave us a professional face but he made sure it was still our face, still our village, still our hydro. And he taught us how to present ourselves to the world.”
The annual village fête grew into a festival of music, crafts and activities that attracted an estimated 1,000 visitors to this beautiful valley in one day. Farmers and local residents gave up their fields for the marquees, for parking and for the duck race. Villagers gave hours of their time for weeks beforehand and on the day. Local businesses and suppliers provided stands, prizes, activities and donations.
Adele Thackray, Event Manager for the day, said, “From my perspective as an event organiser the whole village pulled together as a team on the day which was fantastic to see. The event management plan was a success and everything - the great work that went into making the bunting, the organisation of the village fete, the car park management and the staffing of the shares marquee was brilliantly done.” Ian Crystal, in charge of crowd management, said, “Every week we welcome hundreds of visitors to see our waterfall. To have 1,000 of them in one day was a challenge but my team of stewards saw what was needed to keep the event flowing and just went off and did it.”
The organisation of the event was praised by North Wales Police, who said, “It's a credit to you and your stewards. The day was well-organised and there was a wide array of activities which was great to see for such a small village. The day was successful for us too. We were able to provide crime prevention advice to the masses while engaging with the younger generation and allowing them to view our kit, let off the police car siren and switch on the blue lights!”
Natural Resources Wales, Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue, Air Ambulance, National Trust, St John’s Ambulance, all found the day a way to showcase the services they offer. North Wales Wildlife Trust said, “The day was certainly a huge success. We spoke to lots of people, plenty of children did the quiz, colouring and had a go at the tombola. And we recruited new members, all very satisfactory! Keep us informed for dates for next year.”
Conwy Land Rover played a pivotal role, providing three 4 x 4s with drivers for the day to run off-road trips up into the mountains to the intake site of the new hydro. Jason Ashley of Conwy Land Rover said, “Our team really enjoyed the day! It gave us the opportunity to showcase the capability of our cars, something we don't get to do often enough. It has been fantastic for us to work with such an exciting community project and, yes, we would be delighted to return next year.”
Land Rover also sponsored the main marquee where local musicians performed for 7 hours, the music ranging from folk and rock to classical - there was even medieval music from a medieval encampment on the field. The Penrhyn Male Voice Choir opened the the afternoon's concert. Hywel Thomas, a director of the hydro and a member of Cor Penrhyn said, “It was moving to be singing in a field in the middle of my own village, knowing it was all helping our plans for our community hydro.”
Iolo Williams, the well-known television presenter of many nature series including BBCs Springwatch and Iolo's Great Welsh Parks, formally launched the share issue and spent the day engaging with everything that was going on. He even jumped into the Aber River to help catch escaping ducks in the duck race! However, his greatest challenge was judging the exhibits at the village fête, as he said, a daunting task!
Gavin Gatehouse, chair of Ynni Anafon Energy which is building the hydro, said, “Aber Dabba Doo has announced the arrival of Ynni Anafon Energy Cyf., on the community hydro scene. Many of our visitors on the day came to the Share Issue tent to find out more about us, the largest UK community-owned hydro project outside Scotland. Within 10 days of the launch, £100,000 has already been received in share applications.”